We’re talking about change here and I have some ideas about what kind and where they should be made. President Elect Obama will be inaugurated soon and I hope he gets right to work on the economy. If congress gives him the right to use the remaining bail-out money he can stimulate the economy by giving a money rebate to tax payers. Not like Pres. Bush did with rebate checks in the belief we would all run out to buy things, thus stimulating business; because, that didn’t work. We paid down credit bills and stuck money in savings accounts. No stimulation help there. But I would suggest issuing vouchers or coupons, even gift cards; say another $600 worth to each and every tax payer or worker who never made enough to pay taxes. These would be redeemable in merchandise stores only. Maybe they could come in different values: like $300 for groceries only, $200 for clothing and $100 for anything else. The government would then redeem the vouchers from retailers with cash. That is an economic stimulus.
How about providing work for the seriously unemployed. As in the “great depression” there should be a work force financed by the government to start repair on the nation’s infrastructure. We seriously need highway and railroad improvement and levee repair. We need the cleanup from storm damage, fire fighters, bridges built and brought up to standard. This work would provide jobs and the people employed would happily spend their well earned money by buying food, homes, autos and everything that makes life more enjoyable. And people who now are threatened with foreclosure on their homes should receive assistance in re-structuring their mortgages and insist that the bailed out banks join in the solution. You can read about the mortgage aid farce in my son’s blog. http://www.sensonomics.com/
Taxes should be more fairly applied. Businesses need relief from heavy taxes in the large inter-cities. Small business owners should have aid in tax relief and the wealthy should pay a larger amount. I am tired of hearing about the lavish parties and frivolous display of riches by our celebrity elite. Many of course give remarkable effort and money to worthy causes - - but, let’s present a bill to the ones in the entertainment world who don’t. Those who sign 10 to 20 million dollar per year contracts, the executives who take home large bonus payments and receive ‘golden parachute’ retirement checks.
Yes, I have some ideas about how the government should proceed and I am sure you do too. Maybe I should be patient and just wait and see what our leaders will provide in this new year. I am sure they will do their best - - - but - - - I am
Just sayin’
Isn't it absolutely amazing that citizens all over the country can figure out the ways to handle the current problems facing our country, while the people who are in semi-charge have NO idea what to do except talk about it before taking multi-million dollar vacations which we citizens are financing?
ReplyDeleteGotta say it!