Politics is a touchy topic in discussion and in writing so I usually try to avoid that subject. However, it is difficult to ignore the temper of the people as a new President takes office tomorrow. The citizens expect change. They are fearful of the economic situation, the war in Iraq and the energy problems that face the nation. I am an independent voter. Not registered as such because I wish to participate in the primary election process. However, I have probably voted equally for Democratic and Republican candidates in the presidential elections since my first vote in the 1940s. I did not vote for George Bush. As a sports fan I was aware of Mr. Bush long before he ran for our highest office. I did not believe he would be a proper leader. But, he left a legacy of humor that he did not intend but will long outlive him. Those of us who have watched the Late Night Show with David Letterman will know what I am talking of. His nightly sketches of “Famous Presidential Speeches” well documented the blunders, misspoken words and phrases and the befuddled stares that the President produced during his forays as a public speaker. It is difficult to face large audiences and deliver an address without mistakes. But, George gave us classic examples of faux pas that would equal those of Yogi Berra, the man who left us with such delightful phrases as “they give you cash, which is just as good as money,” and “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” He also told a sports reporter that the game “is never over until it’s over.” So - - on a humorous note we can say goodbye to George and wish him well.
“It would be a mistake for the United States Senate to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of that chamber.”
“There’s an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee - - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on - you. Fool me - - you can’t get fooled again.”
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
“Too many good docs are getting out of business. Too many OB/GYNs aren’t able to practice their love with women all across this country.”
“I can’t wait to join you in the joy of welcoming neighbors back into neighborhoods, and small businesses up and running, and cutting those ribbons that somebody is creating new jobs.”
“We look forward to hearing your vision so we can more better do our job.”
“Make no mistake about it, I understand how tough it is, sir. I talk to families who die.”
“Thank you, Your Holiness. Awesome speech.”
“This thaw - took a while to thaw, it’s going to take awhile to unthaw.”
“The fact that they purchased the machine meant somebody had to make the machine. And when somebody makes a machine, it means there’s jobs at the machine-making place.”
And, as we leave George we may recall his statement to the people of Virginia: “Throughout our history, the words of the Declaration have inspired immigrants from around the world to set sail to our shores. These immigrants have helped transform 13 small colonies into a great and growing nation of more than 300 people.”
Thank you, George, I am staggered by the thought. We may soon be overrun - - - I am
just sayin’
those are some most excellent quotes!!! :)
ReplyDeleteGeorge had a difficult job and faced a stressful time. I am sure he is relieved and more able to relax now. He promised to write a book and tell us all about it. An easier task and he will have an editor to help him with the tricky stuff. I will miss the humor.