I am a poor blogger (is that a word?). As I read other web blogs I am envious of the ease with how the writers seem to just let the words flow. It is like listening to them speak with you in conversation. And, I am sure, that is what a blog is supposed to be. I, in contrast, seem to feel that I should tackle important worldly subjects. Wars, Taxes, Health, Weather, and Disasters. I suppose that is the teacher coming out. Well, I would really like to change that. Opinions are one thing but lectures are another. So, with your kind permission, I will henceforth try to relate my encounters in daily life. Maybe rant a little when things bug me; perhaps share some happy moments; wander a bit and discourse on the mysteries we all meet with and the challenges we face.
Tomorrow my daughter Andrea will arrive for a short visit. All her visits are way too short. We need a Super Train like the Japanese have to bridge the distance between our homes. Airplanes are faster, but travel by air is such a hassle now. The Bush terrorist phobia has taken away our freedom to enjoy. Who wants to live in a society that says you can’t bring your body lotion or your shaving cream with you on a trip. Freedom always poses a risk - - - but Americans have always been willing to pay that price. It was stated precisely by Patrick Henry when he spoke the words “Give me Liberty or give me Death.” But, Andrea will brave the indignity of a body scan, remove her shoes, allow her personal belongings to be x-rayed, provide federally mandated identity papers and wait an hour or so beforehand before being allowed, under parole, to join strangers in a plane with recirculated air and extra charge amenities. However, she will get a free demonstration of how to use her seat cushion as a flotation device, although she will not be flying over any water. Her baggage will be mishandled and, if it arrives, she will have to push her way to the baggage turntable to make sure she can grab what’s left. The bag, suitcase, or whatever will be covered with identity cards that no one will check when she leaves the terminal. Fortunately there may be a shuttle bus waiting that she can board that will bring her to me. If a friend or relative were to pick her up he/she would have to circle the curbside loading area until she appeared or park in an expensive zone at least two blocks from the terminal. Not my idea of a way to begin a short vacation. So, there I have ranted a bit.
We will have lots to talk about. The minutiae of our daily lives; the family gossip; new friends we met and new things we acquired. I am eager to see her new Kindle, an electronic marvel of the world of books. She will introduce me to the wonders of the Ipod as I am of an older generation electronic age. I was among the first with TV, with personal computing, and electric shaving; but, I now lag behind the latest innovations. I have enough problems trying to tackle MySpace, Facebook, and now Twitter. We will also enjoy dining out together as we sample some of the area’s remaining eateries. Yes, the recession has taken a toll there, too. I am excited about her visit and maybe we can blog and twitter together for you tomorrow. I am - - - -
Just Sayin’