I have written about my strange food allergies before. Briefly again: I get ill when eating most any vegetable that is green. There are minor exceptions such as lettuce or green beans and green peas. It is legendary in my family that “Grandpa won’t eat green things!“ Also on the allergy list are most sea foods or others with a fish taste. As a child I was just considered a ‘picky eater.” Allergies were not popularly known or appreciated. Today it seems they are pandemic. We are deluged with drug advertisements on TV and in other media that promise relief. Often the drug side affects are more frightening than the relief you seek.
I can think of only two other allergies that I may have. One is peculiar in that it causes me to sneeze 3 times in a row and rarely a 4th time! This happens when I feel a sudden chill on the back of my neck. Not like when you watch a scary movie and something frightening is about to happen; but, when the nape of the neck actually becomes cool for one reason or another. Most often it occurs when I step out of the morning shower. It can happen when the air conditioner comes on or when I happen to encounter a breeze. The most unusual occasion of its onset came when I was vacationing in Hawaii. I had a reservation to attend the Don Ho dinner show one evening and as I and my party stepped off the elevator a young Hawaian lady placed a lei of small blossoms around my neck. Soon after we were seated I began the 3 sneeze routine. My cousin asked if I was O.K. and I said that I felt fine but sometimes had this peculiar allergy and explained it. She laughed and said “Well you have that damp lei around your neck.” Yes, that was the culprit. An awkward moment but it was relieved later when Don Ho asked if there were any WWII veterans in the house and would they please stand up. I did; was the only veteran - - so he applauded and sent a bottle of champagne to our table.
The only other allergy I recall suffering came a few years ago when I attended a Country Line-Dance performance that my sister was participating in at the city park in Lodi, Calif. As I was watching from a folding chair on the park lawn I began sneezing and my eyes began stinging and watering. Finally I had to leave. My sister caught up with me as I walked towards the car a few blocks away. We decided that the falling blossoms from the park Cottonwood trees were the cause. They floated everywhere in the area. And, sure enough, as we increased our distance from that place my discomfort lessened and quit.
Strangely enough I have never experienced any other symptoms of allergy. Even as a child I have been able to handle poison oak or ivy and its threatening compounds without an itch or a blemish. Contrarily, my mother could become deathly ill by coming within 10 feet of these plants. Several times so seriously ill that she was hospitalized. Perhaps I gained genetic immunity from her trials with these beautiful plants. Mosquito bites, spider bites, bee or wasp stings have little effect on me. Last year I was bitten by a Black Widow and it only caused a minor skin irritation. My immunity shot for small pox as an infant left no scar that is usually present on the arm of those inoculated. And later booster shots in the army left no evidence of the need. So - - I have been very lucky. Such allergies as listed above may provide a source of humor to the unaffected, but for those who have them - - -it is no joke - - I am
Just Sayin’